Hope Village, We meet again.

I kept my word to the children, that I would be back.
Especially to the Grade 12s, that I would be back before they left the place.

Hope Village, we meet again. I am glad, I am glad, I am glad.

The moment I set foot onto the grounds of Cambodia, I was stoked & I couldn’t wait past the two hour ride to Prey Veng to see all the beloved faces of the most wonderful kids in the world. I was honestly exhausted from Boracay & all that traveling time & I couldnt wait to rest my head. But I had more important things to see to. The kids.

Slowly & surely, the surrounds and landscapes grew more familiar, & then I started recognizing the routes and the one road that leads to my destination. My heart beat faster & my mind threw away whatever tiredness there was in my body & my eyes lightened up as the gates opened. I was greeted by the amiable faces that I’ve missed. Not one, not two but the entire orphanage’s kids. My mind uttered the name of every face I saw.

My mood was instantly lifted, my hungover from the previous trip replaced by the liveliness of the children whom I’ve dearly missed. & here, we are going to spend the next three days teaching, singing, dancing & enjoying every treasured moment we have together. Such pure bliss. I’ve missed you all dearly.

Tonight, I sleep in sweet slumber.



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